Saturday, 26 March 2011


We arrived in Cape Town on Tuesday at about 10 am and the temperature was 20 after leaving Durban which was going to be 33 that day. We had a clear flight until we arrived in Cape Town. It was very cloudy and did not  see much. We saw Table Mountain for the first time on Thursday. Our accommodation at the Cape Town Lodge was superb and the service fantastic. Wednesday we walked to the Chris Barnard Memorial Hospital as it was so close. about 200m. It was the WORST morning of or lives for ALL of us. We were ALL tense and VERY worried. Tiffany was crying terribly in the doctors rooms. We went to the children's ward where they prepared her. The weighed her and took her height and also did an ECG. We had worried looks on our faces and another couple was waiting for their daughter to be discharged came across to us and said we looked like they looked the day before. The comforted us and assured us all would be ok. Their daughter had had a hole in her heart which they plugged with a titanium plug. Tiffany left the ward at 10:15 for theatre. At 10:30 she was put to sleep and the op started. We waited outside in a lounge. This was the longest wait ever! At 12:00 Doctor Lorgat came out with a HUGE smile on his face saying, "I found it and I am 99% sure". This was a huge relief. Tiffany was taken to CCU and we had to wait to see her. She only came around at 13:00 but very drousy. At about 14:00 she had lunch and was looking more relaxed and perky. We spent the afternoon with her. Tough Tiffy was ready to leave the hospital that night but was being closley monitored. Heart rate, BP, oxygen etc. Jennileigh slept over with her. Tiffany was walking the next morning and and was dischraged about 10am.

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